How to Order Invisilights


What you need to know before making your order:

-The total Linear footage of the installation.

This should include footage of lights and channel along with any Extensions or jumps you'll need to make  

- Where your controller box will be located

This is the most important step to planning out an installation, Without knowing where the controller will be you'll have no way to know the right materials to buy when it comes to extensions and accessories 

-What Voltage system you want to use 24V or 36V

This is a decision you will make based on convince and efficiency, the most important factor with this will be the footage of each lighting run. if the total footage of a run is over 100' you'll need to either power inject on that run or switch to the 36V system that can go up to 200' before needing power injection. 

-Draw a Map

By mapping out the installation you'll be able to better understand and plan out the install giving you a better idea of what all you'll need to purchase to complete the job. 

take the measurements from your map and add up the total number of materials you'll need. For the Map out example above the total material breakdown is 

System Voltage: 36V 

Color of channel: Cameo

Channel Type: Hat

Total Lighted Footage: 160'

Power injection: NO 

Controller: 1

Channel: 27- 6' sticks 

Screws- 200

Lights: 175

1' extensions-7

6' Extensions-2

12' extensions-2 

25- extensions- 1

Y Cables- 3

End caps- pack of 10 


Absolute necessities





-Extension cables

Other Accessories 

-Y Cable

-End Caps

- Signal boosters

-Power injection material


When would you need to power inject?

the controller will come with 3 outputs for your lighting runs, each 36V output can do a Max of 200', the 24V system can do a max of 100'  after that max you'll need to inject power. after you do so you can go an additional 100' with the 24V or 200' with the 36V system. 

Power injection is needed due to voltage drop, voltage drop happens due to the length traveled away from the power source along with the gauge of the wire. due to the gauge of wire the lights and extensions run on it drops in voltage enough at 100' with the 24V system and 200' with the 36V system to effect the lights performance requiring a addition of power (Power Injection) 

Materials needed for power injection 36V 

Power injection pig female pig tale

Power injection Extension cables

Power injection T Cable. 




Materials needed to Power inject 24V system

16/2 - 12/2 Low voltage landscaping wire 

Cut and Splice T cable 

Water Proof Wire connectors